What to wear to hide a bloated stomach?
Mornings can often start in front of the wardrobe considering ‘what to wear today?’. Which clothes to wear will depend on the season, the weather as well as your mood and plans for the day. And if you don’t have control over your bowels, you will probably also consider choosing clothes with dark colours which are loose-fitting, in order to be able to cover a small bowel accident or to hide a bloated belly. If this situation is familiar to you, bowel irrigation could be a solution for you enabling you to live a more fulfilled life.
Focusing on the joy of life suits you
What do you wear when living with faecal incontinence or chronic constipation? Dark clothes just in case, finding clothes to hide your bloated belly or never leaving home without a spare set of clothes may all ring a bell for you. Does planning what to pack for travelling on holiday fill you with dread? Living with bowel problems can have considerable influence on your every-day life. But what if there is another way?
Bowel irrigation, it’s simple
Want to know more about bowel irrigation and who can benefit from it?
Show who you are
Your well-being, both physical and mental, is key to enabling you to set yourself free and start focusing on the joy of life, not least what to wear to hide a boated belly. Clothes are not just garments that keep you warm, clothes are an expression of you. They show who you are, so start showing! Wear the clothes you want, and feel free to follow your own style. Wear the clothes that you feel good in, be it at work, at special occasions or what to bring for your holidays.
Don’t let your bowel decide what you wear – wear the clothes that suit your personality and reflect who you are! Like how your joy of life suits you.

Looking for more tips and tricks when living with bowel irrigation?

How does bowel dysfunction affect your life?
Bowel problems are usually not life threatening. However, they can certainly affect your daily life.

Bowel irrigation
Bowel irrigation – sometimes called transanal irrigation (TAI) or rectal irrigation (RI) has been practiced for many hundreds of years.

Understanding bowel irrigation
Bowel irrigation simply involves instilling warm tap water into the rectum via the anus to help emptying the colon.

Designed for you
Qufora IrriSedo MiniGo is for people with bowel problems who need only a small amount of water when irrigating.