
Qufora IrriSedo Flow

Qufora IrriSedo Flow is our newest bowel irrigation system with simple and easy handling and a cone.

Bowel irrigation and LARS

The 12 months follow up indicates that TAI can reduce defecation episodes during the day and night, as well as decrease the LARS score.

Tips & Tricks

Here you will find information on how to maintain a good routine, as well as troubleshooting any problems you may experience.

Travel and bowel irrigation

Bowel irrigation should not keep you from travelling. Qufora products are easy to pack and use when travelling, also abroad.

Forming routines

It can take slightly longer when you first start irrigation, until you get used to using the system and establish a bowel regime.

Getting started

Before using the IrriSedo products to irrigate, it is advisable that you familiarize yourself with the system.