What is bowel irrigation?
Bowel irrigation – sometimes called transanal irrigation (TAI) or rectal irrigation (RI) has been practiced for many hundreds of years. It is increasingly more widely used as a bowel management solution.
Bowel irrigation involves instilling warm tap water into the rectum via the anus and then allowing the water to be expelled, thereby emptying the colon.
For some people, the bowel function is a source of everyday destress. If bowel management and control causes concerns and problems, irrigation options should be considered.
Living with bowel problems can have considerable influence on your quality of life – both on your personal life and your hobbies, but it may also result in decreased ability to work.

- You should always have an assessment done by your health care professional before getting started with bowel irrigation. Hereafter you can commence your new bowel irrigation routine. Bowel irrigation provides security and the freedom to live life as normally as possible.
- Although bowel irrigation has been more widely used as a bowel management solution over recent years, some healthcare professionals, including General Practioners’, may not be familiar with irrigation for bowel symptoms.
After being assessed and trained by your healthcare professional in irrigating your bowels, it is time to get started on your new product. Building a new routine will require some persistency and it is advised to irrigate daily for the first 3 months.

Understanding bowel irrigation
Bowel irrigation simply involves instilling warm tap water into the rectum via the anus to help emptying the colon.

Bowel care products
We believe everyone deserves the right to bowel irrigation solutions that fit seamlessly into their lives.

Our story
We aspire to deliver quality solutions for all, by designing solutions that put people on the road towards living their best, most fulfilled lives.

Designed for you
Qufora IrriSedo MiniGo is for people with bowel problems who need only a small amount of water when irrigating.