We always look forward to hearing from you
Qufora is a global company, with head office located north of Copenhagen, Denmark. We are represented in 20 countries, primarily in Europe, Great Britain and Asia Pacific. Find your country on the list, or you are very welcome to contact our Head Office for support.
Qufora A/S
Gydevang 28-30
3450 Allerød Denmark
Tlf. +45 88 30 05 92
General inquiries:
Sales support
Supply chain:
Quality Assurance:
Human Resources:
Qufora GmbH
Hügelstrasse 25 B
65510 Hünstetten-Görsroth
Tel: +49 (0) 6126 – 95 95 – 627
Fax: +49 (0) 6126 – 95 95 – 628
Qufora Srl
Via Commenda 1/B
40012 Calderara di Reno (BO)
Tel: +39 051 6257612
Fax: +39 051 3764165
Codice Fiscale – Partita IVA 03260081207
Qufora Ltd
Euro House
Satellite Park, Macmerry
East Lothian
EH33 1RW
Tel: +44 (0) 0800 612 90 90
Georg Egger & Co GmbH
Kapellenstraße 105
8053 Graz
Tel: +43 (0) 316 71 51 68
Fax: +43 (0) 316 71 51 68 66
PO Box 5013 Burnley
VIC Australia 3121
Tel: +61 1800 819 274
WM Supplies
Kortrijksestraat 30
8520 Kuurne
Tel : +32 56 71 20 41
Fax : +32 56 70 59 85
OneMed OY
P.O. Box 11
Metsäläntie 20
00321 Helsinki
Tel.+358 20 786 6810
Dentsply Sirona France
Wellspect HealthCare
7 Ter rue de la Porte de Buc
CS 80516
78008 Versailles Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)1 30 97 66 33
Wellspect GmbH
An der kleinen Seite 8
65604 Elz
Tel: +49-6431 9869 0
Fax: +49 6431 9869 500
Mediq Deutschland GmbH
In der Bruchwies 10
66663 Merzig-Besseringen
Tel: +49 (0) 800 – 33 44 800
Fax: +49 (0) 800 – 33 44 801
Perithalpsis S.A
Perithalpsi I.K.E.
Chrisostomou Smyrnis 2 & Kamouroglou 34
Athens, Greece, P.C. 11144
Tel +30-2103411708
Ceannaire Medical Ltd
Unit 1, Riverdale House
11 Riverdale Park, Buncrana
Co. Donegal, F93 WK10
D24 VO6K
Phone: +353 (0) 74 939 0245
Brainstorm Marketing Ltd
15 Hatzmaut St. POB 2420
Mazkeret Batya
Israel 76804
Tel. +972-3-6410903
Fax. +972-8-6344542
KvinTo AS
Wedel Jarlsberg vei 31
1358 Jar
Tel: +47 22 72 03 00
Fax: +47 22 72 03 01
Product ordering:
Product questions:
Frode Henriksen, Produkt Manager
Mobil +47 (0) 907 96 448
Welland Medical Polska Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp. k.
Al. Jana Pawla II 80, 00 – 172 Warszawa
Budynek ‘Babka Tower’
Wejście główne, 5 piętro,
Firmowy Sklep Medyczny Welland Medical Polska
ul. Słomińskiego 19 lok. 505, 00-195 Warszawa
Tel: +48 22 412 80 12 / +48 790 420 041
Fax: +48 22 412 80 12
Qufora A/S
Masia Ventanell
Urb. Ventanell 55
08779 La Llacuna
Tel. +34 630 904 787
Prim S.A.
Prim Hospital
C/ Yolanda Gonzalez nº 15, – Antigua C/ F
Políg. Industrial número 1
28938 Móstoles. Madrid
Tel: +34 91 334 24 00
OneMed Sverige AB
Tagenevägen 29
Hisings Kärra
Box 50
401 20 Göteborg
Tel. +46 (0) 770 111 115
Product ordering:
Product questions:
Anna-Rita Marzo, Product Specialist
Mobil +46 (0) 730 253 179
Expirion GmbH
Grabenhofstrasse 1
6010 Kriens 2
Tel: +41 (0) 41 – 360 27 64
Fax: +41 (0) 41 – 360 27 18

We always aim to do better. So please do not hesitate to send us your product feedback.

What we do
We aspire to deliver quality solutions for all, by designing solutions that put people on the road towards leading their best, most fulfilled selves.

Bowel care products
We believe everyone deserves the right to bowel irrigation solutions that fit seamlessly into their lives.

How to treat bowel dysfunction?
The process of managing faecal incontinence or constipation is called “bowel management”.

Designed for you
Qufora IrriSedo MiniGo is for people with bowel problems who need only a small amount of water when irrigating.