Qufora IrriSedo Flow
Qufora IrriSedo Flow is our newest bowel irrigation system with simple and easy handling and a cone.
Qufora IrriSedo Flow is our newest bowel irrigation system with simple and easy handling and a cone.
The product is a ‘closed’ irrigation system for patients who needs their bowel management to be carried out on the bed.
Qufora IrriSedo Klick is designed for ease of use, to give a feeling of confidence during bowel irrigation. It is developed for bowel irrigation seated on or over the toilet and is suitable for people who need the support of a water-inflated balloon that holds the catheter in place during irrigation.
Bowel function is individual, and rather than one “normal” type of bowel function that fits everyone, there is a spectrum.
International consensus definition of low anterior resection syndrome
Our Global Clinical Education Manager, Brigitte Collins, comments on recently published clinical studies, relevant to rectal irrigations.
The 12 months follow up indicates that TAI can reduce defecation episodes during the day and night, as well as decrease the LARS score.
Our Global Clinical Education Manager, Brigitte Collins, has selected and commented on recently published clinical studies, research, and trends relevant to rectal irrigation.
Bowel irrigation should not keep you from travelling. Qufora products are easy to pack and use when travelling, also abroad.
It can take slightly longer when you first start irrigation, until you get used to using the system and establish a bowel regime.
Before using the IrriSedo products to irrigate, it is advisable that you familiarize yourself with the system.
Many people find irrigation easy to do right from the start and their bowel symptoms are relieved very quickly.
Here are some of the effects that can be achieved by using bowel irrigation routinely.
Bowel irrigation is reported to be beneficial in managing functional and neurogenic bowel disorders.
Bowel irrigation simply involves instilling warm tap water into the rectum via the anus to help emptying the colon.
Constipation, faecal incontinence, and sometimes also a combination of both, is referred to as a bowel dysfunction or bowel disorder.
Bowel irrigation – sometimes called transanal irrigation (TAI) or rectal irrigation (RI) has been practiced for many hundreds of years.
The process of managing faecal incontinence or constipation is called “bowel management”.
Bowel problems, whether constipation or incontinence, are often just symptoms and not diseases in themselves.
Bowel problems are usually not life threatening. However, they can certainly affect your daily life.
The product can be used by patients (or their carers) by holding a cone in the rectum while the water is being instilled.
Bowel disorders take a big emotional toll on those struggling to maintain their confidence, dignity and desire to lead fulfilling lives.